Launch! (probably last update as well)

The RIT Lounge has been launched and shared to the discord it is based on. I've accomplished what I've set out to do, so I likely won't be updating this further. Due to constraints, I wasn't able to fulfill the lounge to what I deem as its full potential. If I were to go back and update the lounge, it would likely be for one of the following reasons:

  • Adding a new NPC 
  • Editing a current NPC 
  • Deleting a current NPC
  • Updating the music/sounds
  • Updating the art
  • Adding a new map area
  • Redesigning a portion of the map
  • Deleting a portion of the map
  • Refining a feature (e.g. text)
  • General updates (to reflect the current state of the source material)

(The above are listed in no particular order.) As mentioned above, it is very unlikely that those updates will come to fruition, simply due to the fact I no longer want to work on this. Pretty much the only reason for me to edit anything is if somebody requested it.

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